The Knee Joint Explained
Jargon De-Complicated
When I was researching my knee complaints, I kept coming across confusing medical words and names. I had to constantly refer back to dictionaries or wikipedia just to understand what I was reading.
Here is my Medical Jargon Buster of words that you’re most likely to come across when dealing with knee pain.
I’ve aimed at keeping things simple and easy to understand as possible. If there are things I have missed out, please contact me.
The Knee Joint

MCL or Medial Collateral Ligament
Supporting ligament on the inner side of the knee. The MCL is most commonly injured in hockey when the player receives a direct hit on the side of the knee.
MCL injuries are graded I, II or III.
- Grade I – mild sprain
- Grade II – partial tear
- Grade III – complete tear
MCL injuries don’t typically require surgery and the player can return to the ice within 6-8 weeks. During the recovery phase it is recommended to wear a supporting Knee Brace.
ACL or Anterior Cruciate Ligament
The ACL is located inside the knee joint. It provides stability to the knee when pivoting, turning or twisting. The ACL is most commonly injured from a twisting impact. Without an intact ACL, the knee can partially dislocate and cause further damage to the knee joint and the Meniscus.
ACL tears will typically result in surgery.
Post surgery and getting back on the ice will require a Knee Support Brace
The meniscus is a piece of cartilage in the knee joint that acts like a shock absorber. It can be damaged with twisting impacts or through overuse. An injury to the meniscus can be isolated or occur with another injury such as ACL.
Symptoms of a torn meniscus are:
- swelling
- locking of the knee
- pain in the knee
- difficulty squatting or kneeling
- stiffness in the knee
Treatment options vary depending on a number of factors but can include:
- arthroscopic surgery to repair tear
- arthroscopic surgery to cut away worn meniscus
- anti-inflammatory medications
- glucosamine
- knee braces or sleeves
Other Knee Injury terms
Some extra medical terms i have come across in my research.
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Patellofemoral pain syndrome is also known as Anterior knee pain. It is soreness at the front of the knee around the knee cap area.
The causes of Patellofemoral pain are varied but typically it is due to a weakness in the knee ligaments and tendons.
The best treatment is strengthening the surrounding knee muscles through special exercises.
I will add to this list as I come across more medical terms that relate specifically to Hockey. If you feel I have missed something or need to add something, contact me